What is Fonofale?
Fonofale is a type of model made by Fuimaono Karl Pulotu- Endemann. It is just like Hauora ( Maori way of health) but this health is a pacific way for islanders which is Fonofale. The fonofale is made up with different kinds of health for eg. physical or health and much more. This model was named after Fuimaono Karl maternal grandmother Fonofale Talauega Pulotu Tivoli McCarthy.
What is different about it compared to Hauora?
The Hauora only has 4 dimensions and the Fonofale has 7 dimensions.The fonofale has different meanings for everything on the house it even has a roof on it, but the hauora doesn't have a roof and the meanings are different.
What is similar compared to Hauora?
They both have 3 of the same dimensions spiritual, physical and mental. They both relate to health.
Do you like the Hauora model better or the Fonofale?
I like the fonofale better because it has more dimensions relating to different things. The different dimensions could actually help you in life with your health.