
Monday, 16 May 2016

Science Investigation

Weeks before today we did a Science Investigation on a Mint Plant. We had 5 groups and each group got a Mint Plant, each group had a method to do with the plant whitch was to Suffocate a plant, stop watering  the plant, take out the soil, put the plantin a dark place and just leave it as a normal plant. My group was to take out the soil and just leave it with the roots but before that we had to write what we think would happenen if we take the soil out and leave it for a few days so I wrote that it would die because it dosent have soil or ater to grow. Few weeks later we took a look at the plant and we could see that it had completly died so we all knew it.

1 comment:

Danni Stone said...

Hi Melenaite, your hypothesis was correct! That plant died so quickly - now we have to work out exactly what it was that caused this.

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